• ch2i
    Professional Building
  • Our Job
    Design and structure the technical and
    environmental management of your professional world
  • Our expertise
    implement customized solutions,
    efficient, smart and connected


Working environment becomes more complex every day, obligation relating to societal and environmental responsibility generates challenges needing to be mastered. Acquire efficient tools and benefit from personalized support will not only take advantage of its new obligations but also optimize the financial and environmental costs of your professional world.

We offer to define your needs, identify your constraints (regulatory responsibility) and help you to achieve the efficiency and automation objective of your professional equipment. We will build with you scorecards to measure long-term characteristics of your environment and your equipment, identify the sources of gains and bring you all the innovative tools and connected tailored to your need.

Simplify and evolve the Building Management Systems, implement your systems monitoring solutions, define actions and processes are the heart of our expertise. We offer to initiate a virtuous circle of learning by measuring energy key values to develop continuous improvement tools for your activity and consumption.

Existing technologies are often not agile and poorly connected to the new computer tools. Integrate and upgrade IT infrastructure, web technologies, cloud and user interfaces requires specific skills that ch2i intends to put at your service. We also already designed our range of last generation Smart Sensors.


ch2i offers communicating measurement systems, access your steps at any time wherever you are. This new technology was developed by our company for companies wishing to control their environment and willing to be pro-active. If the measuring system does not exist, we design and manufacture for you. If the IT infrastructure is not communicating, we will modernize and adapt it. Our experience in the integration and creation of all the hardware and software infrastructure of Information Systems will bring a solution for the future and will modernize your IT infrastructure.

Our Methodology



Examples of data we're measuring and monitoring


Indoor, Outdoor, devices, ...


Ambiant, outdoor, ...


Pressure, forecast, ...


UV index, ...


Filling, measure, ...


Positioning, scope, ...


Displacement, vibration, ...


Electric, water, gaz, ...


Air quality, CO2, Monoxyde, fire, ...


We build is needed.

Internet Of Things

IoT technology demonstrates its potential. Called WEB 3.0, the ability of IoT brings the digital into the smallest details of everyday life. Based on simple and universal principles, IoT tools can measure all types of values​​, detect leaving an identifiable trace, act or react optimally to any event. The only limit to the use of these powerful tools is and will remain the imagination. Millions of connected objects are added to the global network every year, providing evidence of efficiency in this area. There is no intelligent tool without accurate ,reliable and durable measurement.

ch2i imagine solutions to meet your challenges, we can build all kind of smart infrastructure, city, agriculture, business and more. Specialists of the implementation of these technologies, we integrate any type of sensors and actuators over secure gateways. The measured values, whether qualitative or quantitative, are available in real time on the Internet. ch2i sensors and actuators can therefore overcome the constraints of distance, proximity to energy power source or GSM network or even accessibility for operators. This is the great strength of ch2i's IoT, they allow you to go beyond the traditional physical limits.


Deploy sensors and actuators then makes sense :

  • The user can control the openings of water valves or inaccessible gas, sometimes located from miles
  • It can monitor and remotely control the technical management of a building, even isolated or privated of internet access : monitor energy consumption, on or off the heating or manually based programs, check that emergency exits remain unfettered, ensure that no one is present at a given time in the building, the lights are switched off or on at a given time.
  • The user, helped by ch2i, may implement custom monitoring tools to determine the best monitoring options and warrants of the power management settings or security in its buildings or industrial equipment.
  • A city will be able to manage its daily public lighting, heating it or detect recurring or occasional needs of its community facilities. The management of the assets will be simplified.


The objective of ch2i is to support private companies or cities in adopting new technologies and to initiate a process of continuous improvement.

Our approach is comprehensive : it starts with defining the issues, the implementation of a pre- deployment phase, validation interfaces and dashboards, and finally, by the start of production of the entire scope.


For any information, support or project in mind, contact us!

CH2i - 2 Avenue Galilée
86360 Chasseneuil du Poitou

+33 681 645 713